Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Can you 'un-do' your baptism?

USA Today is reporting this morning on atheists who are 'un-doing' their Christian baptisms in mock ceremonies involving hair dryers. They intend the ritual to show the (alleged) victory of reason over religion.

Two thoughts:

First, I find it interesting that modern atheists are so intensely, well, religious about their unbelief. Their evangelical zeal of late knows no bounds; they seem determined to make as many converts as possible. Now they are developing their own liturgical practices.

Second, baptism can't be 'un-done'. It's an indelible mark on the soul. If you don't believe in the soul, why bother to try and erase the mark?

1 comment:

The River Otter said...

"If you don't believe in the soul, why bother to try and erase the mark?" Right, and brilliantly stated. Obviously something is bothering such a person; otherwise, he or she would not give it a second thought.