Friday, August 21, 2009

Health Care: moral imperatives vs costs

The health care debate has taken a turn into the realm of 'moral imperative'. Does the country have a moral imperative to provide unverisal health care?

It's an interesting and legitimate question. Then again, so is the question, 'can this country afford universal health care?'

With our massive endebtedness and the chronic loss of quality jobs to the developing world, I wonder how long before it sinks in that we are an economic train wreck just waiting to happen.

Of course, the cost of fighting two wars complicates the health care debate. Maybe the question should be 'can we continue to afford imperial power if we offer universal health care?'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought one of the questions was can we afford to do nothing and let the insurance companies call all the shots and name their own prices?